Our school will be participating in Wakakirri again this year. Students will be creating a ‘Story Dance' and performing at Riverside Theatre during the 20th - 24th August. The exact date to be confirmed later in the year. This program is for all students in years 3 to 6. Students will work with teachers and willing parent volunteers to create a Wakakirri Story Dance.
What is Wakakirri?
Wakakirri is a national Story Dance Festival for Australian Primary and Secondary schools. Participating schools create a Story Dance to perform in professional theatres for audiences of family, friends and members of the Wakakirri National Panel (Justine Clarke, James Elmer and Rachel Beck) who are searching for ‘Story of the Year'.
A Wakakirri Story Dance is a 3-7 minute student performance utilising a combination of dancing, creative movement and/or acting to prerecorded music. Schools can tell any story with any combination of dance, creative movement, acting, music, sets, costumes etc. The possibilities are endless!
Performing in Wakakirri is an experience students never forget. A unique sense of camaraderie develops among students during rehearsals and participants spend Show Day rehearsing and engaging with other schools. That night, students walk the red carpet with our panel representatives and perform live on stage. Each production is filmed for a weekly online publication, Waka TV. National results are announced in October.
In 2017, Dural Public School performed a Story Dance based on the book "The Deep" by Tim Winton.
The Deep
Alice's fear of the deep means she misses out on jumping off the jetty with her family. She's afraid of what lurks in the deep, dark blue water of the ocean. She imagines monsters beneath the deep until her new friends, the dolphins, help her overcome her fear and give her the gift of courage.
Want to see a snapshot of what it's like to be involved in Wakakirri? Check out some clips from last year's performance!
2017 Awards