Dural Public School Band
Dural Public School is fortunate to have a dynamic band program. Our school band caters for children who are just beginning to learn a musical instrument to those who have been learning for a number of years. Band membership is open to all students in Year 3 and above.
The main objectives of the band are:
- To give students the opportunity to enjoy music, to learn an instrument of their choice and to play in a band or ensemble.
- To provide instrument hire at a reasonable cost.
- To encourage all band members to work together as a team and to accept the responsibilities that this entails.
Dural Public School has a number of bands and ensembles, catering for a variety of abilities and interests. If your child is interested in joining or if you would like to learn more about our Band programs here at Dural Public School please download a copy of our Band Handbook by clinking on the below link.
Band Handbook (pdf 431 KB)