School Excellence Framework
NSW public schools are committed to the pursuit of excellence and the provision of high quality educational opportunities for each and every child. We prepare young people for rewarding lives in an increasingly complex world. Our vision is improved performance in every school, for every student, every teacher, every leader, every year. The School Excellence Framework supports all NSW public schools in their pursuit of excellence by providing a clear description of the key elements of high quality practice across the three domains of learning, teaching and leading. The Framework describes 14 elements across these three domains which define the core business of excellent schools in three stages. Each year, schools will assess their practices against the Framework to inform their school plans and annual reports. The description of excellence in the Framework supports schools as they engage their communities in the development of a shared vision, the identification of strategic priorities, and the ongoing tracking of progress towards them.
Click below to access the full document
School Excellence Framework (pdf 291 KB)