Dural Public School

Strive for Success

Telephone02 9651 1164


Learning Support

At Dural Public School our Learning and Support Team works collaboratively with classroom teachers, parents and other professionals to coordinate planning processes and resourcing for students with additional learning and support needs. Areas of support vary & may include: academic, emotional, physical or behavioural support.

In consultation with parents and caregivers, class teachers make reasonable adjustments within their class program to cater for the learning needs of all students. In addition, the Learning and Support Team allocates and prioritises in-class individual or small group support delivered by our Learning and Support Teacher and or English as an Additional Language/Dialect Teacher as well as our School Learning Support Officers (Teacher's Aides).

Targeted Learning and Support Programs, which are overseen by our Learning and Support Team include:

Buddy Reading Program: (Years 1 - 2)

The Buddy Reading Program runs from Monday to Thursday after recess and is coordinated by our Learning & Support Teacher. A Stage 3 Peer Tutor works with a younger buddy who has been identified by their class teacher as needing additional reading support.  Each buddy has an individualised reading kit of activities, which builds confidence & skill with: Jolly Phonics sound blending word lists, MIOOW sight word recognition and levelled text reading. The program also gives our older students a valued leadership role in the school. A highlight of the program is the close bond which forms between the students.

MiniLit: (Years 1 – 2)

MiniLit is an evidence-based, systematic and explicit, early literacy intervention program conducted in small groups and implemented by our Learning and Support and EAL/D teachers. MiniLit focuses on blending and segmenting sounds, letter sound correspondences, vocabulary, reading with fluency and comprehension. MiniLit supports the whole class literacy and Jolly Phonics program.

Multilit: (Years 2 – 6)

The MultiLit Reading Tutor Program is an evidence based, systematic reading program to support targeted students in Years 2 and above with: phonics (word attack skills), sight word recognition and supported book reading. The program is delivered to students individually by our Learning and Support Teacher, English as an Additional Language / Dialect Teacher and School Learning Support Officers.

Board Games Social Skills Club (Years K - 6)

Board Games Club is held every Tuesday at second half lunch and is overseen by our support teachers. Year 5 peer volunteer tutors support younger students with game play. Board Games are a fun and engaging way for students to learn turn taking and communication skills including how to win and lose respectfully as well as form friendships with students across the school.

Buddy Bench